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We, at ARAR, believe that there are no short cuts to success. Our team of competent professionals is filled with zeal and dedication to leave no stone unturned for the achievement of our common goal, i.e. complete customer satisfaction. ARAR Group has proven itself to be a dynamic and progressive enterprise, positioning itself as one of the leading healthcare & technology professionals in Pakistan, as a result of our prudent approach, we have grown steadily and remained resilient despite challenging market conditions. ARAR Group has accomplished this through adapting to an evolving competitive landscape, commitment to quality, and discipline, including efficient deployment of capital, thus making impressive progress in a short period of time. We look forward to a new era of growth as we develop more projects both locally and internationally. We work hard to gain a deep understanding of our client’s business and needs, and our client’s challenges with urgency and respect, as we work relentlessly to meet or exceed their expectations. We will equip the company with infrastructure and capabilities that benefit the era of digital innovation and change the way we work as well. The year 2019 makes a new beginning for the ARAR Group, we will do our best to enhance ARAR’s corporate.

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Hamayun Sarwar

CEO – ARAR Group of Companies

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Being the leading corporate with highest degrees of innovation and passion, providing unparalleled advancing satisfactions to the most trusted business partners. Becoming the benchmark corporate for the various sectors providing world-class products & services to the satisfied clients through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork and creativity of our people.

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ARAR believes in modernizing the ways of providing products & services to its business partners which enables everyone achieving its business goals and objectives, involved in the collaborations of ARAR. We provide a challenging environment to our employees which always energize and channelize them, learning new & modern techniques and innovating new solutions for the prestigious clients. We involve each and every stakeholder of our client’s businesses and boosting up their knowledge and practical skills which enables them to adopt the latest & state-of-the-art technologies, smoothly. We learn from Global & Local markets and design “Glo-cal” solutions for our clients, resulting in business growth, as a reality.

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To maintain leadership and customer confidence by providing continually improving quality services in the healthcare & Technology management sector.

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Our Core Values

At ARAR, we support our leadership culture through unique systems and policies, which ensure open communication, foster an environment of employee and partner privacy, and guarantee the well-being and safety of our employees. Our Core Values form the basis of everything we do at ARAR: from formal decision making to how we conduct our business to spot awards and recognition. At ARAR, we never forget what we stand for.

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ARAR Group of Companies initiated their functionality in Lahore. Firstly, the company enters the healthcare sector of Punjab and become a brand in Government & Semi-Government sector. After acquisition of maximum market share in Public Healthcare Sector, ARAR plans to expand its operations in other provinces of Pakistan. ARAR has established its own incineration facility at Peshawar to serve the healthcare facilities, both in Government Sector and Private Sector. We hired our own vehicles which collect the waste from various and distant healthcare facilities and transport towards incineration facility in Hayatabad Industrial Estate – Peshawar. We are also planning to expand our working horizons in Sindh as well. The Project – Sindh is under feasibility making process and will be executed soon.

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Our Clients

ARAR Group of Companies believes in co-branding with our clients rather than just a supplier, purchaser relationship. We partnered with our prestigious clients to help them understand their business needs and design a solution which best fits in achieving their business objectives and goals.

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